Player’s Club – Golf With Your Coach
Program Details
If you are like most golfers, your performance on the driving range is a lot better than on the course. This can be caused by a number of factors but the two most common are:
1. Your practice doesn’t resemble the actual game and doesn’t challenge you like the golf course does
2. You have never been coached on the golf course to learn the secrets of strategy and shot execution that allows your talent to rise to the surface
The Player’s Club program is built to give you these key elements, Your monthly program includes:
- A 9-hole round with John, green fee included
- Two 60-minute, supervised practice sessions with John and other students that include drills for building skills and some fun competition so you’re ready for the golf course
- One private session with John to work on any technique improvements that will help with skill development
You get all of this for $195 per month!
Contact John today to get started – Email